분류 전체보기77 디지털 휴먼과 대화하고 상품추천까지? AI 편의점 ◇ C-Store Dive의 "ExtraMile pilots AI-powered ‘digital human’ and signage displays" 국문번역 및 재구성 (01.23.'24 보도) ExtraMile pilots AI-powered ‘digital human’ and signage displays The California-based c-store retailer has partnered with Samsung on a new program at three of its locations as it digs deeper into technology. www.cstoredive.com ● ExtraMile, 삼성전자 美 법인과 파트너십으로 AI 서비스 도입 ○ 고객 데이터 기반 컨텐츠 제공 및 .. 2024. 2. 6. 식품의 혈당 반응 예측해주는 생성형 AI 어플 ◇ TheSpoon의 "January AI’s New App Uses Generative AI to Predict How Food Will Impact Your Blood Sugar" 국문번역 및 재구성 (01.18.'24 보도) January AI’s New App Uses Generative AI to Predict How Food Will Impact Your Blood Sugar If you’ve been diagnosed with a metabolic health issue, you might have used a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) at some point to track the impact of your food intake on your blood s.. 2024. 2. 2. 곰팡이 발효 기술로 만든 식용색소 ◇ FoodNavigator의 "Making Colour:Innovators rethink pigment production with next-gen fermentation" 국문번역 및 재구성 (01.17.'24 보도) Making colour: Innovators rethink pigment production with next-gen fermentation Colour is an important part of what appeals to consumers about food, making it stand out on the shelf and enhancing the perception of taste. Food colourants, therefore, have a vital job to do. F.. 2024. 1. 24. 美 병원 급식의 식품 폐기물 감축법, AI 모니터링 저울 ◇ FoodServiceDirector의 "How Capital Health's food waste mission extends beyond the walls of its hospitals" 국문번역 및 재구성 (01.16.'24 보도) How Capital Health's food waste mission extends beyond the walls of its hospitals Sodexo at Capital Health is reducing food waste through waste monitoring programs and food recovery networks. www.foodservicedirector.com ● 식품 폐기물 감축 사업 ○ Capital Health X Sodexo ㅇ 美 .. 2024. 1. 23. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 20 다음